Frequently Asked Questions

"What if I don’t know how to play?"

That’s perfectly fine! I love teaching people how to play—and new players are often the most fun to have at my table. Our Session Zero together will include a tutorial for new players, so you don’t need to know anything going in.

"How many people do I need?"

I require a minimum of four players to run a game, and my table can fit a maximum of seven players. If you have a group smaller or larger than this — reach out to me! We might still be able to work something out.

"Where do we play?"

Wherever you like! Most people choose to play in their own living rooms, at their dining table, or in a dorm room. In short, wherever you have room to gather, we can play a game. Be sure to check out my Game room guide to see what features make a great space.

"How long do games last?"

Games can last as long or short as you like—but players typically settle on 4-6 hour sessions, including breaks. This is enough time to enjoy the game and make progress without being too long.

"Where are you located?"

I currently operate in and around northern Houston. I’m happy to make the drive to customers outside this area—there will just be an added fee per session to account for gas and driving time.

"Do you service businesses?"

Yes! Whether you’re a manager looking for a good team-building retreat for your employees, a pastor hosting Bible study events, or a sports team looking for something different—I run games for everyone.

"Do you run online games?"

I am not currently offering online games for a few reasons—my theatre style, with lights, ambiance, figures, and fog machines simply loses its heart in a transition online. If enough people request online offerings I may consider it in the future, though.

“Do you allow Homebrew?”

Yes! I require homebrew be authorized through me at least 24 hours before a session begins—but if you’ve done that, and I’ve approved, you’re golden.

“What TTRPGs do you run?”

The only system I currently offer is Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth Edition. However, if you have another system you’d like to play, I am accepting votes for alternatives. The TTRPGs receiving the most votes will be entering my repertoire shortly.

"Can you host for us?"

My business model is built on the convenience and accessibility of bringing the game to you, wherever you feel most comfortable. I don’t currently have the ability to host groups in a dedicated business space.

“Do I need a table or chairs?”

 No, you don’t. I have a portable setup including tables and chairs, so if you don’t have enough for your group— that’s not a problem at all.

"Do you do events?"

Absolutely! Whether for a birthday, Halloween, or other seasonal party, bar/bat mitzvah, graduation, or any other get-together, I’d be delighted to be a part of your evening!

Get in touch.

Didn’t answer your question? Reach out to me.