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I’ve included a list of some of the more popular storylines I’ve run for my players over the years. Feel free to peruse for a plot-hook that most interests you–but remember that I’m happy to write a custom game if none of these strike your fancy!

Dawn of the 6th Age

tags: exploration, naval, colonialism

A famous wizard discovered an entire new continent on the other side of the sea, and people from every stratum rush to seize the opportunities it presents. You ride one of the three colony ships sailing for the new world—and heaven only knows what awaits you on the other side.


tags: feudal warfare, norse, undead, storm-the-castle

The Council of Nobles in the kingdom of Karthia are in a tight spot—a viking army has landed on their northern shores, led by an infamous warlord. If the Karthian nobility is to survive the invasion, they need your help. Well. They need a lot of help. But you’ll do, to start.

The Evorath Wood

tags: druids, fey, defend-the-village, swain-in-distress

The animals in the nearby Evorath Wood are acting weird. Quite weird. Gangs of squirrels are attacking travelers, there’s a beaver and a few rabbits gnawing up some serious property damage, and now three bald eagles carried off the local Alderman’s 17-year-old son in broad daylight. So uhh, what’s up with that?

Frigid Prospects

tags: survival, shipwreck, dragons

You were a passenger on the Salty Maiden, a large dwarven cargo ship sailing past the Arctic Circle. Halfway through the voyage, the Maiden wrecked along the mountainous coast. Hundreds of miles from civilization, the survivors must work together to survive the frigid wastes and whatever strange creatures might live amongst it all.

Beyond Forlorn Peaks

tags: vampires, eldritch, bounty hunting, exploration

The Bishop of a nearby cathedral has sent out an urgent message—vampires are infesting his diocese! He requires the help of any able-bodied person willing to put themselves in harms way, and offers massive reward in gold for your help. The only problem? His Cathedral is way up in the nearby mountains. It’ll be a long hike.

Return Policy

tags: crime, heist, city life, dungeon-crawl

A local jewelry merchant needs some help. He sold an expensive amulet recently by accident, and now he wants it back. His buyer, though, has refused to reverse the sale. In desperation, the jeweler turns to you and a band of seedy criminals to… um… reclaim his lost property.

None of these interest you? Answer a few questions for me, and I’ll write a story tailored to you!


Historical Campaigns

Fantasy settings aren’t for everyone, and some of us are looking for something different. I’m a history buff myself, and I love running games with the world and cultures my players already know. Want a custom historical setting? Just give me the time to do the research!

The Holy Land

tags: historical (Hebrew), exploration, giants

Moses and the Israelites are freshly escaped from their slavery in Egypt. Yahweh has promised them the rights to the coastline north of here–but they need a map, and someone to scout ahead. That’s where you come in. Relive the famous Old Testament story of the Twelve Spies from Numbers and Deuteronomy as you explore a land filled with infamous cults, huge castles, and the nephilim giants.

The Walls of Ilion

tags: historical (Greek), siege, naval, exploration

The Siege of Troy has taken ages, but thank the gods it’s almost done. Do you want to fight for the Greeks? The Trojans? Can you save the city—or bring it down sooner? And will you even manage to find your way home afterward? Find out for yourself in this reimagining of Homer’s epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Contact us

Have a question about any of these? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!